dorian melenotte 9e06e92c57
Some checks failed
/ deploy (push) Failing after 5s
add: folder of the backend
2024-09-10 18:08:10 +02:00

37 lines
759 B
Executable File

#!/bin/bash -e
set -o pipefail
function kapply() {
for f in "$@"; do
kubectl apply -f \
<(envsubst "$(env | xargs printf '$%s ')" < "manifests/$f")
function kcreatesec() {
kubectl create secret generic --save-config --dry-run=client -oyaml "$@" | kubectl apply -f-
function kcreatecm() {
kubectl create configmap --dry-run=client -oyaml "$@" | kubectl apply -f-
function kgseckey() {
local sec="$1"; shift
local key="$1"; shift
kubectl get secret "$sec" -o jsonpath="{.data.$key}" | base64 -d
function kgcmkey() {
local cm="$1"; shift
local key="$1"; shift
kubectl get configmap "$cm" -o jsonpath="{.data.$key}"
kapply common/app.yaml
kubectl rollout restart deployment app